Knowing Union Baptist
of Jamestown-High Point.

Union Baptist Church Jamestown- High Point location was birthed from the “Mother” Church,  Union Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, NC, under the leadership of Bishop Sir Walter L. Mack Jr. The ministry’s vision is to provide local outreach and support to the community of  Jamestown and High Point. 

Jamestown-High Point, launched on September 16, 2016, holding its first service at Castle McCullough, in Jamestown, North Carolina under the leadership of Site Pastor, Rev. Dr. Kia Hood –Scott. 

Our aim is to provide an authentic space where the community can worship, fellowship, and have a personal relationship with Christ. 

Our ministry has been very successful as we have provided the following outreach services: City-Wide Baby Dedication, Friends and Family Day, School Supply Giveaway, Youth Activities, Women’s and Men’s Ministry Small Groups, Revivals, Food Supply Drive, Coats For Kids Donations, and supporting local schools and community efforts.

Ministry, it's what we are all about.

We are looking for people who are willing to work together. Serving God’s people is still encouraged and remains an important part of our mission. Our Mission…is “Reaching the world…connecting people with  Christ and one another.” However, with the nation’s pandemic, we understand how serving can be limited.  We do believe that with the love of God, and with the hearts of volunteers we can still complete our overall goals within our community.

We are ONE church with multiple locations. 

Check out some of our
latest events & outreach.

Our members welcome the opportunity to provide service and show love to the community and to each other.

We're inviting you to join our church and visit today

Membership is important and we understand that it is a vital decision. We invite you to participate in some of our worship experiences and know for yourself what it is like to be apart of a growing family.